Angel’s Trumpet is a cute flower like an angel, but if ingested accidentally, it can be devilishly poisonous, causing vomiting, convulsions, and difficulty breathing.
【仮名】キダチチョウセンアサガオ, エンジェルストランペット, エンジェルトランペット, エンゼルストランペット, エンゼルトランペット
【英名】Angel’s Trumpet
【学名】Brugmansia, Brugmansia suaveolens
【誕生】10/ 23
【開花】06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11月
【花色】White, Pink, Yellow, Orange





Angel’s Trumpet

Angel’s Trumpet is an evergreen shrub of the Solanaceae family. It is native to the highlands of South America, such as Brazil and Ecuador. It was introduced to Japan in the Meiji period for ornamental purposes. Although it is a cute flower like an angel, it is devilishly toxic, causing vomiting, convulsions, and difficulty breathing if accidentally ingested.
The Japanese name for Angel’s Trumpet means “an upright woody plant, resembling a morning glory, an exotic flower.” The Latin genus name Brugmansia is a tribute to the Dutch botanist Sebald Justinus Brugmans.
The branches of Angel’s Trumpet are upright and branched. The leaves are alternate, with long petioles, elliptical blades with pointed tips, and sawtoothed edges. The flowers are funnel-shaped and hang downward. There are five petals, five stamens, and protruding pistils. It attracts hawkmoths and hummingbirds with its strong fragrance at night, and after pollination, it produces capsules.
The standard species of Angel’s Trumpet, “suaveolens,” has an angular calyx that is deeply divided into 4-5 lobes. The flowers change from pale yellow to pale pink. The hybrid of versicolor and aurea, “candida,” has a non-angular calyx that is deeply divided into 2-3 lobes. The flowers change from pure white to pale yellow or pale pink.
The component “tropane alkaloid” contained in Angel’s Trumpet suppresses the parasympathetic nervous system and stimulates the central nervous system. “Atropine” blocks the parasympathetic nervous system and stimulates and paralyzes the central nervous system. Symptoms include elevated blood pressure, tachycardia, secretion inhibition, and pupil dilation. “Scopolamine” has an even stronger pupil dilation effect.