アブラナ / Canola

アブラナ / Canola Backyard
アブラナ / Canola


Canola is both a crop and a naturalized weed. The Japanese name “Oil Vegetables” is because the stems and leaves are used as vegetables, and the grains are used as an oil. The flowers are for ornamental purposes, and the oil cake is also used as feed and fertilizer.

【仮名】アブラナ, ナタネ, ナノハナ
【和名】油菜, 菜種, 菜の花
【学名】Brassica rapa
【誕生】01/ 06, 02/ 06, 02/ 20, 03/ 07, 03/ 10, 03/ 27
【開花】02, 03, 04, 05月

Brassica napus - Flowers
Brassica napus – Flowers
Brassica rapa - Flowers
Brassica rapa – Flowers
Brassica juncea - Flowers
Brassica juncea – Flowers
Brassica napus - Buds
Brassica napus – Buds
Brassica napus - Buds & Flowers
Brassica napus – Buds & Flowers
Brassica napus - Many Flowers
Brassica napus – Many Flowers











Canola is both a crop and a naturalized weed of the Brassicaceae family. The Japanese name “Oil Vegetables” is because the stems and leaves are used as vegetables, and the grains are used as an oil. The flowers are for ornamental purposes, and the oil cake is also used as feed and fertilizer. The English name Canola is a variety name for oil. Here, we will introduce the traditional species “Brassica rapa”, the current species “Brassica napus”, and the similar species “Brassica juncea”.

The traditional species of Canola “Brassica rapa” was a weed that originally grew in cultivated lands from West Asia to Northern Europe. It was mixed with cereals and brought to China, where it was improved to be edible. In Japan, the stems, leaves and flower buds have been used as vegetables since the Yayoi period, and the grains have been squeezed and used for kerosene since the Edo period. After “Brassica napus” became popular in the Meiji era, it became a vegetable again.

The current species of Canola “Brassica napus” originated in Northern Europe and Siberia, and was introduced to Japan in the Meiji era. It had a high yield as an oil crop, and its cultivation had spread in place of traditional species. The seeds were black in contrast to the traditional red color, so it was also known as “black seed”. Although it is a global oil crop, there are also improved varieties for vegetables and ornamental use.

The similar species of Canola “Brassica juncea” originated in Central Asia and were introduced to Japan in the Yayoi period. Because it contains sinigrin, which is a pungent ingredient, the seeds were used for Japanese mustard, and the stems and leaves were used for boiled seasoned vegetables. The difference from Canola is that the petals are H-shaped with 2 pairs of 2 petals instead of the 4-petaled cross shape. And the leaves do not clasp the stem at the base.
