Borage has flowers that look like lapis lazuli and leaves that look like vegetables. The flower is also called “Madonna Blue” because it was used to depict Mary’s robe in sacred paintings.
【仮名】ルリジサ, ルリヂシャ, ボリジ
【和名】琉璃苣, 瑠璃萵苣
【学名】Borago officinalis
【誕生】03/ 31, 05/ 21
【開花】04, 05, 06月
【花色】White, Blue
Borage is an annual or biennial plant belonging to the Boraginaceae family. Originating in the Mediterranean coast, it has been cultivated for medicinal and edible purposes since ancient times. Bright blue or white flowers bloom downward. On the other hand, the closely related Pygmaea species has bell-shaped pale blue flowers, and crawling stems, although it has a similar shape. It is a perennial herb that is not suitable for medicinal or edible purposes.
The Japanese name of Borage means “lapis lazuli lettuce”, because flowers color are like lapis lazuli and leaves taste are like lettuce. The flower is also called “Madonna Blue” because it was used to depict Mary’s robe in sacred paintings. The Latin genus name Borago means “fluff” and is the etymology of the English name Borage. The species name officinalis means “medicine”.
The whole plant of Borage is covered with white bristles. The stem is hollow and branched, and the leaves are lanceolate to ovate and alternate. The flowers bloom facing downward, and are five-petalled, star-shaped flowers that change from pink to blue. Abundant nectar attracts many flower-visiting insects. In addition to being an important nectar source for beekeeping, it also encourages nearby crops to bear fruit.
Borage has long been used as a medicinal herb to inspire courage in Europe. Warriors drank wine with flowers and tea with flowers before leaving for battle. In the past, this herb was commonly used when the mind was depressed. But it is now an undesirable herb for regular use, because it contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which are hepatotoxic.
Borage flowers can be served raw in salads, candied to decorate sweets, or frozen in ice to float in cold drinks. Young stems and leaves have a cucumber-like flavor and are used in soups, ohitashi, and tempura. The oil extracted from the seeds is rich in gamma-linolenic acid, which is good for health.