ヒマラヤユキノシタ / Bergenia

ヒマラヤユキノシタ / Bergenia Backyard
ヒマラヤユキノシタ / Bergenia


Bergenia has stems crawling on the ground, large and round leaves, and flowers blooming in clusters. There are species such as Stracheyi, Cordifolia and Crassifolia.

【仮名】ヒマラヤユキノシタ, シベリアユキノシタ, ナガバユキノシタ, ベルゲニア
【和名】ヒマラヤ雪の下, シベリア雪の下, 長葉雪の下
【英名】Bergenia, Bergenia Stracheyi, Bergenia Cordifolia, Bergenia Crassifolia
【誕生】02/ 10, 03/ 23
【開花】03, 04月
【花色】Pink, Red, Purple


Bergenia Stracheyi - leaves and flowers
Bergenia Stracheyi – leaves and flowers
Bergenia Stracheyi - flowers up close
Bergenia Stracheyi – flowers up close










Bergenia is an evergreen perennial plant of the Saxifragaceae family. The Latin genus name Bergenia comes from the 18th-century German botanist Karl August von Bergen. The stem crawls on the ground, the leaves are large and round, and the flowers bloom in small clusters, with 5-6 tepals, 10-12 stamens, and 2-3 lobed pistils.

Bergenia Stracheyi is distributed from eastern Afghanistan to western Himalayas, and grows naturally in highland forests and rocky areas. A standard variety that has been cultivated since ancient times. The Japanese name is “Himalayan under the snow” and “Big rock fan”, and the species name is a dedication to the Englishman Richard Strachey, who collected plants in the Himalayas.

Bergenia Cordifolia is distributed from the Siberian region of Russia to the Altai region and Mongolia, and grows naturally in highland forests and rocky areas. The stem, leaves, and flowers are all large. The Japanese name is “Siberian under the snow” and the species name is derived from the shape of the leaves in the sense of “heart-shaped”.

Bergenia Crassifolia is also distributed from the Siberian region of Russia to the Altai region and Mongolia, and grows naturally in highland forests and rocky areas. The Japanese name is “Long leaf under the snow”, and the species name means “thick leaf”. It contains a large amount of tannin, and its rhizomes and leaves have been used for inflammation and infectious diseases since ancient times.
