Japanese jacinth is also known as the “Sandai Umbrella” because the shape of the flower ears is similar to the umbrella used by the old nobles when they went to the palace. The flower language is also “like a meteor” and “tasteful”.
【仮名】ツルボ, スルボ, サンダイガサ
【和名】蔓穂, 参内傘
【英名】Japanese Jacinth, Barnardia Japonica
【学名】Barnardia Japonica
【誕生】05/ 30, 05/ 31, 09/ 03
【開花】08, 09月
Japanese Jacinth
Japanese jacinth is a perennial plant of the Asparagus family. Of the 100 species of Barnardia in the world, the only one distributed in East Asia. In Japan, it grows widely from Hokkaido to Okinawa. They like hills, coasts, forest edges, roadsides, embankments, graveyards, and other sunny places, and can grow in clusters. Also known as “Surubo”.
The leaves of Japanese jacinth come out twice a year. There are oval-shaped bulbs in the basement, the roots that stretch in the ground are thin and many, and the leaves that extend to the ground are thick, soft and linear. First, about 5 to 10 leaves come out in spring and die in summer, but about 2 to 3 leaves come out again in early autumn. Then, the flower stalk rises from between the leaves and blooms in order from the bottom of the spike.
Although Japanese jacinth is not a vine, it is a Chinese character for “vine ears”. This is probably because the Chinese characters were applied after the name was decided. According to one theory, the flower ears appear to be continuous in the clustered areas, so it seems that they changed from “ream ears” (Tsuraho). Also, when the bulbs are peeled off, they are slippery, so they changed from “Tsurubozu”.
Japanese jacinth is also known as the “Sandai Umbrella” because the shape of the flower ears is similar to the long-handled umbrella used by the old nobles when they went to the palace. From the appearance of the flowers, the flower language is also “like a meteor” and “tasteful”. In addition, while there are strong meanings such as “stronger ally than anyone”, “immutable”, “stubbornness”, and “patient”, there are also “loneliness” and “sadness”.