アケビ / Chocolate Vine

アケビ / Chocolate Vine Backyard
アケビ / Chocolate Vine


The flowers of Chocolate Vine are light reddish purple, and there are female flowers and male flowers. Although it has no nectaries, it attracts insects with its fragrance for pollination. The three pieces that look like petals are sepals.

【英名】Chocolate Vine, Akebi, Akebia
【学名】Akebia quinata
【誕生】10/ 23, 11/ 01
【開花】04, 05月
【花色】White, Purple

Akebia quinata - white male flowers
Akebia quinata – white male flowers
Akebia quinata - purple male flowers
Akebia quinata – purple male flowers
Akebia quinata - male and female flowers
Akebia quinata – male and female flowers
Akebia quinata - white female flower
Akebia quinata – white female flower
Akebia quinata - purple female flower
Akebia quinata – purple female flower
Akebia quinata - leaves
Akebia quinata – leaves












Chocolate Vine

Chocolate Vine is a deciduous shrub that belongs to Lardizabalaceae family. In Japan, it is distributed from Honshu to Shikoku and Kyushu, and outside of Japan, it is distributed in the Korean Peninsula and China. It grows naturally in sunny places from mountains to flatlands, and the vines are wrapped around trees. Originally, Japanese name of that does not mean the whole tree, but the fruit that has been popular since ancient times.

The Japanese name of Chocolate Vine is a corruption of “open fruit” because the pericarp cracks when the fruit ripens. There is also a local name called “open vulva”, which is said to be derived from female genitalia. The Latin genus name Akebia is derived from this Japanese name, and the species epithet Quinata means “five leaves”. The kanji for Chocolate Vine means that the vine is woody and a herbal medicine that promotes urination.

The Chocolate Vine curls to the left and becomes woody. The leaves are fascicled with 5 leaflets, and the petioles are alternate. The flowers have male and female flowers, and are light reddish purple. Although it has no nectaries, it attracts and pollinates insects with its fragrance. It has three petal-like sepals. When the fruit ripens, the pericarp splits vertically to reveal black seeds wrapped in white flesh.

A related species of Chocolate Vine, “Akebia trifoliata” has three leaflets and deep reddish-purple flowers, and grows naturally in cold climates. The fruit is large and has a strong flavor. Because it has self-incompatibility, Akebia quinata is used as a pollinator. In addition, there is also a natural hybrid of the two species “Akebia x pentaphylla”, and a white-flowered “Leucantha”.

The vines of Chocolate Vine are used as herbal medicines for diuresis and lactation. It is also woody and durable, so it can be used for crafts such as woven baskets. The fruit has a sweet white flesh and can be eaten raw, and the bitter peel is used for stuffing with meat or frying in oil. The seeds are pressed into edible oil. Young shoots are used for soaking and tea.
