The pussy willow is a silver-white flower that heralds the arrival of spring ahead of other flowers. The flower language is “freedom” because it is covered with fluffy hair and looks like a cat.
【仮名】ネコヤナギ, カワヤナギ
【和名】猫柳, 川柳
【英名】Pussy Willow
【学名】Salix gracilistyla
【誕生】01/ 23, 02/ 05, 02/ 10, 09/ 13
【開花】02, 03, 04月

Pussy Willow
Pussy willow is a deciduous shrub of the Salix family. Distributed from Hokkaido to Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Korean Peninsula, and China. It grows naturally in sunny places with abundant water, such as near rivers and lakes. A silver-white flower spike that heralds the arrival of spring ahead of other flowers. It is preferred as a flower arrangement for Ikebana, as a garden tree.
The name of pussy willow comes from the willow, whose flowers are covered with fluffy hair and look like the tail of a cat. The English name also means “cat willow”. However, the original notation of Chinese characters is “Yang”. Even in the Manyoshu, weeping willows with hanging branches are called “willows”, and pussy willows with rising branches are called “yang”.
Another name for pussy willow is “Kawayanagi” because it likes the waterside. There are many local names, such as “Nekoneko”, “Nekojarashi”, “Nekonomakura”, “Nyankonoki”, which are associated with cats, “Inukoro”, “Enokoro”, “Inkoro”, “Inokoroyanagi”, which are associated with dogs, and “Bekobeko” and “Bekoyanagi”, which are associated with cows.
Pussy willow blooms silver-white short-haired flowers prior to its leaves in spring. It is dioecious, with male flowers for male plants and female flowers for female plants. For male flowers, the stamens produce yellow pollen from the crimson anthers. The pistil of the female flower is pollinated by the bees. When the fruit ripens, it pops and the fluffy seed “Ryuhjo” pops out.
The flower language of pussy willow survives the harsh winter and sprouts early in the spring, so “efforts are rewarded.” It is “free” because the flowers are covered with fluffy hair and look like a cat. “Kindness” because the appearance of the branches and leaves extending toward the heavens is open. The branches and leaves are thin, supple and soft, so it is “as you wish”.