ホオノキ / Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia

ホオノキ / Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia Backyard
ホオノキ / Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia


Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia is a native species of Japan. It is tall, has a thick trunk, and has a neat tree shape. The leaves are large and obovate. The flowers bloom at the ends of the branches facing upwards and give off a strong fragrance.

【仮名】ホオノキ, ホオガシワ
【和名】朴の木, 朴柏
【英名】Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia, Japanese Whitebark Magnolia
【学名】Magnolia obovata
【誕生】06/ 21, 06/ 28
【開花】05, 06月



ホオノキ:花 / Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia - Flower
ホオノキ:花 / Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia – Flower



ホオノキ:花と葉 / Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia - Flower and leaves
ホオノキ:花と葉 / Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia – Flower and leaves



ホオノキ:葉 / Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia - Leaves
ホオノキ:葉 / Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia – Leaves



ホオノキ:葉を近くから / Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia - Leaf up close
ホオノキ:葉を近くから / Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia – Leaf up close



ホオノキ:木全体 / Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia - Whole tree
ホオノキ:木全体 / Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia – Whole tree


Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia

ホオノキ:花を近くから / Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia - Flower up close
ホオノキ:花を近くから / Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia – Flower up close

Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia is a deciduous tree of the Magnoliaceae family. It is distributed in Japan from Hokkaido to Kyushu, and overseas to northern China. It grows naturally in fertile areas of mountains and hills, and is also planted in parks and gardens. It is tall, has a thick trunk, and has a neat tree shape. The leaves are large and obovate. The flowers bloom at the ends of the branches facing upwards and give off a strong fragrance.
The Japanese name of Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia comes from the word “wrapping”, because the leaves are used to wrap food. Another name comes from the word “serving”, because the leaves are used to serve food. The Latin genus name Magnolia is a tribute to Pierre Magnol, a French botanist from the 17th and 18th centuries. The specific name obovata means “obovate” and is derived from the leaves.
The bark of Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia is white on young trees and brown on older trees. The leaves grow alternately at the ends of the branches. The undersides of the leaves are densely covered with soft hairs and are white in color. The flowers have three sepals and six to nine petals, and both the stamens and pistils are spiral-shaped. They are protogynous and avoid same-flower pollination. After flowering, they form a bag-shaped aggregate fruit. When ripe, red seeds hang down.
Magnolia grandiflora, a closely related species of Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia, is a tall tree with similarly large leaves. The flowers also bloom facing upwards at the ends of the branches. It has six fleshy petals and three sepals, and both the stamens and pistils are spiral. It gives off a fresh and gorgeous fragrance. It is native to North America and was introduced to Japan in the early Meiji period. It is an evergreen tree with glossy and thick leaves.
The leaves of the Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia are large, fragrant, and have bacteriostatic properties, so they are used to serve and preserve food. The bark contains various essential oil components and is used as a herbal medicine for pain relief, cough suppressant, diuretic, and stomachic purposes. The wood is light, soft, uniform, and does not warp much, so it is used for crafts, wooden molds, tableware, etc.
