シャガ / Fringed Iris

シャガ / Fringed Iris Backyard
シャガ / Fringed Iris


The English name of this flower is “Fringed Iris”. The tepals are slightly wavy. The Chinese name is “butterfly flower”. The small flowers that bloom one after another look like butterflies.

【仮名】シャガ, コチョウカ
【和名】射干, 著莪, 胡蝶花
【英名】Fringed Iris
【学名】Iris japonica
【誕生】04/ 27, 05/ 06, 06/ 08
【開花】04, 05月
【花色】White, Violet, Blue



シャガ:花 / Fringed Iris - flower
シャガ:花 / Fringed Iris – flower



シャガ:花を正面から / Fringed Iris - flower from the front
シャガ:花を正面から / Fringed Iris – flower from the front



シャガ:花を横から / Fringed Iris - flower from the side
シャガ:花を横から / Fringed Iris – flower from the side



シャガ:花茎 / Fringed Iris - flower stalk
シャガ:花茎 / Fringed Iris – flower stalk



シャガ:葉 / Fringed Iris - leaves
シャガ:葉 / Fringed Iris – leaves


Fringed Iris

シャガ:葉と花 / Fringed Iris - leaves and flowers
シャガ:葉と花 / Fringed Iris – leaves and flowers

Fringed Iris is an evergreen perennial in the Iridaceae family. It originates from China and was introduced to Japan in ancient times. It is distributed in Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, and grows in groups in damp forests near human settlements. In addition to being planted for ornamental purposes, it is also used as an herbal medicine in Chinese medicine. However, ingestion may cause vomiting and diarrhea, so care must be taken when handling it.
The Japanese name of Fringed Iris comes from the Chinese name of Blackberry, which has similar leaf growth. Its origin is the Sanskrit word “Shrigara”, which refers to a magical beast that lives in the forest. The Chinese name “butterfly flower” comes from the small flowers that bloom one after another, resembling butterflies, although they are fleeting flowers for one day.
The English name is “Fringed Iris”. This is because the edges of the tepals are slightly wavy. The Latin genus name Iris means “rainbow.” In Greek mythology, it is the name of the goddess who bridges the heavens and the other worlds. The origin of the species name japonica is that at the time of naming it, there was a misunderstanding that Japan was the place of origin.
Fringed Iris spreads by spreading its rhizomes in a shallow and long manner, forming large clumps. The leaves grow in a fan shape and hang down long and thin, and are thick, hard, and glossy. The flower has 3 outer perianths with small undulating edges, 3 inner perianths with a lobed tip, 3 stamens, and 3 pistils. The Japanese native species is triploid, so it does not bear fruit after flowering.
“Iris gracilipes”, a close relative of Fringed Iris, has smaller plants and flowers, and its species name means “elongated stalk.” After flowering, it forms round capsules, and when it gets cold, the leaves wither and survive the winter. Although it can be propagated by seeds, the native species have declined to the point where they are at risk of extinction. On the other hand, there are many garden varieties on the market.
